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Knorr Professional Pea Soup (1.38 Kilo)

Shipping Weight 1530 gr.

28,99 Excl. VAT
28,99 Incl. VAT

Knorr Professional Pea Soup is a hearty and full winter soup with the taste of potato, pea, carrot and smoked sausage. The powder is a good basis for a tasty soup and offers room for your own creativity. This full-bodied soup is free from flavor enhancers and artificial colorings. With the contents of this package you can make up to 11.8 liters of delicious pea soup.

Erwt¹ (32%), aardappel¹ (25%), gemodificeerd maïszetmeel, aroma’s, zout, wortel¹ (3%), geroosterde ui (2,4%), suiker, mineraalzout (kalium), gistextract, zonnebloemolie, spek (1,2%) (varkensvet, antioxidant (rozemarijnextract), rook), KNOLSELDERIJ¹, prei¹ (1,2%), glucosestroop, ham (1%) (varkensvlees, palmolie, zout, conserveermiddel (E250), dextrose, stabilisator (E307, E304i)), spinazie¹ (0,7%), knoflook¹, specerijen (kurkuma¹, peterseliewortel¹), gejodeerd zout, gerookt spekextract (spek, zout, rook), marjolein. ¹Duurzaam geteelde ingrediënten.

Allergie informatie:
Bevat: Selderij, Glutenbevattende granen. Kan bevatten: Soja, Mosterd, Melk, Ei.

Deze waarden gelden voor het bereide product.

Voedingswaarde per 100g/ml
Energie in kJ en kcal 40.00
Energie in kJ en kcal 160.00
Zout 0.74
waarvan suikers 1.30
Vetten 0.50
waarvan verzadigd vet 0.20
Eiwitten 1.60
Voedingsvezel 1.40
Koolhydraten 6.30

At Worldwide Holland we do everything to publish the right product information. However, products are regularly adjusted and / or improved. As a result, product information such as nutritional values, ingredients and diet or allergy information may have changed. We advise you to always read the product information on the packaging before you use the product.

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